Sunday, 29 July 2007

Is society superficial?

Don't you just get sick of it- seeing images of the perfect, the ideal figure, being sold to you, forced down your throat by a market relying on the slogan 'sex sells' What does it sell? Much more than mere products, but the image- more-often-than-not, an unrealistic image which people are forced to digest and then prompted to transform themselves to meet the impossible standard of a fantastical figure. 
For girls, (I am being general), this seemingly 'perfect' image imposes pressure to become ever-thinner and ever-sexier 'cos that's what the boys' like' and that is 'perfect' For guys, (again, being general) it's the pressure to bulk-up with muscle-mass, minimal fat and a tanned complexion, 'cos that's hot' 
Yet it's so hard not to swallow this image; so hard to not try and live-up to it, as unrealistic as it is. Why? Maybe because this image is everywhere and it screams ever-illusively 'perfection' and 'be me' Yet, it is only a fantasy, an illusion- artificial; an unreal and superficial perception of beauty that is warped beyond comprehension. 
I am reminded of the Savage Garden song, Affirmation, a line of which reads: 'I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul.'   

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