First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. - Mahatma Gandhi
From the humble beginnings of the 911 truth movement, many, particularly those in the corporate media have at first ignored the movement, considering it to be on the fringe with little to zero influence and voice. Next, seeing the momentum of the movement, they were forced to analyze, on a superficial level, its ideas and valid skepitism. They laughed, portraying any theory alternative to the official conspiracy theory as the product of crack-pot conspiracy theorists. Of course, it would be ludicrous to suggest anything alternative to the official narrative or to speak in condemnation of it. Now, seeing that this movement is not 'on the fringe' but rather real, some within the mass media have blatantly attacked it, calling it 'anti-American' or 'unpatriotic.' Since when is it ever unpatriotic to question one's government or the received reality of events? Since when is it unpatriotic to think for oneself, to think outside the box of corporate television, confining one's view to a limited, controlled and regulated flow of information? Of course, make's complete sense. In this line of thinking, being unpatriotic is tantamount to going against the tide of conforming to popular notions of truth.
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