Friday, 7 December 2007

No voice

I was reading a highly emotive article on the internet about abortion. One of the highlights of the article was the fact that almost in all, if not all instances, the unborn child had no voice in the matter. This free human person, residing in its first home in the world- the womb, was reduced to the status of property, disposable if inconvineient. Yet another example how human life is being sold off, piece by piece, degraded in dignity. This is a human person we are talking about, not property, a real human life, arguably in its most vulnerable state. Is human life not worth protecting? Does it have no value that, if incapable of speaking for itself, it can be disposed of by the choice of another? So much for innate human dignity.
We must affirm the value of human life and the person by speaking for the vulnerable, in this case, the unborn, who otherwise, have no voice but ours. We must use our inner moral compass of conscience to navigate towards the truth amid such deception, towards clarity amid such distortion, especially now in an age of misinformation.

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