Friday, 14 December 2007

On abortion

Distinguished academic scientist Albert Einstein once said, "There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Which do we choose, the former or the latter? Do we choose to acknowledge the miracle of human life, or, do we choose to blind ourselves to its wonder?
Life is precious, and certainly worthy of preserving, of protecting, especially when it is vulnerable. Is it not worthy of a voice in the discussion? Do we choose to acknowledge the innate dignity of the human person, or, do we degrade human life as an asset or property, liable to disposal at connivence? How can we claim to value the miracle of human life if objectify it as property, subject to ownership?
Our inner moral compass of conscience obliges us to not remain silent to this injustice- to speak-out about it. To preserve and protect the miracle of human life that is the unborn, a free human person infused with innate dignity.
As a former fetus, having experienced the status of being unborn myself, I stand against abortion.
I pray for the courage to speak-out against it appropriately, confronting my own fear of speaking-out.

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