Friday 14 December 2007

Some valuable reading

To whomever may be interested, I would highly recommend reading David Ray Griffin's book, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, and The 9/11 Conspiracy edited by James H. Fetzer. These two literary compositions offer a great depth of insight into alternative theories of the 9/11 conspiracy, providing provocative insights and evidence, and dramatically diminish the credibility of the official conspiracy theory. David Ray Griffin's work also debunks popular 'debunking' publications and places the notion of 'conspiracy theory' into perspective, outlining the fact that the official narrative found in the 9/11 Commission Report is itself a conspiracy theory.
The corporate media tends to use 'conspiracy theorist' as a derogatory term, carrying a negative connotation, and denoting someone with seemingly 'fringe' beliefs. However, the corporate media does not tend to acknowledge that in generic terms, we are all conspiracy theorists.
Myth, whether or not true, if perceived true, acts as a mobilizing agent for a people, directing their actions towards particular ideas. Griffin highlights this, stating the a myth can serve as "an orienting and mobilizing story for a people" and relates this to 9/11, without saying, in the sense that it mobilizes and orients the public towards a particular political agenda.

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