Tuesday 10 July 2007

Great line!

I just remembered a fantastic line from the Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It goes something like, 'Look Mr. Frodo. Up there... There is light, beauty, that no shadow can touch.' I though it was one of the most meaningful and thought-provoking quotes of the entire trilogy. I assume that the star they saw peering through the dark clouds of Mordor was indeed Earendil- who in the Silmarilion bore a Silmaril upon its brow into the heavens. 
I find Tolkein's mythological works to convey significant meaning. Particularly considering his account on the creation of Arda as an orchestrated grand-theme of music of interchanging melodies and symphonies, contrasted to the clamour and conflict weaved into the fabric of reality by Morgoth's malcontent. It is a beautiful picture in the mind's eye and places emphasis on the role of the Children of Iluvatar, who are the elves, men and drwarves; the firstborn, the second born and the adopted. It is a tale of mythology that draws together such imagination which inspires one to think and to appreciate ultimately the beauty of creation. 

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